Site 9 is approximately 33 nm offshore, making it the furthest offshore site in the system. It is approximately 32.8 nm from the Bell Buoy at a bearing of 059°. It is a popular deep water (135 ft.) fishing site. New Culverts are being added in 2020.


1996 - Site 9 Ship (V09-96C18)
DD MM.MMM: 29°21.230', -080°21.440'
DD.DDDDDD: 29.353833°, -080.357333°
In 1996, a 100 ft. ship was placed in the area. The ship is upright, intact, and easy to find.
1996 - Site 9 USN Intruder Planes
(Please email us if you have accurate GPS coordinates. These will get you close.)
V09-C1? -- 29.354317°, -80.357350 (29°21.259', -080°21.441')
V09-plane1 -- 29.353900°, -80.357383 (29°21.234', -080°21.443')
V09-plane2 -- 29.353700°, -80.358000 (29°21.222', -080°21.480')
V09-plane3 -- 29.353567°, -80.356067
(29°21.214', -080°21.364')
In 1996, about two dozen US Navy Grumman A-6 Intruder jet aircraft were placed in the area. Look a short distance to the southeast and to the east of the ship for the first few planes.

2020 - Site 9 North West Culverts
(V09-20NW3a) 200 Tons of Concrete Culverts

DD MM.MMM: 29°21.428', -080°21.967'
DD.DDDDDD: 29.357133°, -80.366117°
(V09-20NW3b) 200 Tons of Concrete Culverts
DD MM.MMM: 29°21.415', -080°21.926'
DD.DDDDDD: 29.356917°, -80.365433°
On September 10th, 2020 two areas of culverts were placed about 200 feet apart. The maximum reef profile is 7' to 9'.
barge deploying culverts

2020 - Site 9 North East Culverts
(V09-20NE3a) 200 Tons of Concrete Culverts

DD MM.MMM: 29°21.479', -080°21.473'
DD.DDDDDD: 29.350900°, -80.365883°
(V09-20NE3b) 200 Tons of Concrete Culverts
DD MM.MMM: 29°21.054', -080°21.953'
DD.DDDDDD: 29.358583°, -80.358433°
On October 12th, 2020 two areas of culverts were placed 200 feet apart. The maximum reef profile is 7' to 9'.

2020 - Site 9 South West Culverts
(V09-20SW3a) 190 Tons of Concrete Culverts

DD MM.MMM: 29°21.479', -080°21.473'
DD.DDDDDD: 29.351367°, -80.365200°
(V09-20SW3b) 190 Tons of Concrete Culverts
DD MM.MMM: 29°21.082, -080°21.912 W
DD.DDDDDD: 29.358583°, -80.358433°
On October 14th, 2020 two areas of culverts were placed 250 feet apart. The maximum reef profile is 7' to 8'.

2020 - Site 9 South East Culverts
(V09-20SE3a) 150 Tons of Concrete Culverts

DD MM.MMM: 29°21.055', -080°21.482'
DD.DDDDDD: 29.350917°, -80.358033°
(V09-20SE3b) 150 Tons of Concrete Culverts
DD MM.MMM: 29°21.067, -080°21.421 W
DD.DDDDDD: 29.351117°, -80.357017°
On October 16th, 2020 two areas of culverts were placed 325 feet apart. The maximum reef profile is 7' to 8'.